Employment Background Check
LocateFamily.comFind BBB Accredited Businesses in Employment Background Check.
Current Alerts For This Business
On July 3, 16 & 31, 2019, BBB attempted to contact LocateFamily.com, regarding a high volume and pattern of complaints. BBB received complaints alleging private consumer information is being publicly reported on the website. The removal request is an automated process that can only be completed if the consumer provides an email address or send a copy of their state-issued ID card. The business failed to resolve seven of those complaints through BBB’s complaint process.
BBB notified LocateFamily.com about the pattern of complaints and asked them to voluntarily cooperate in eliminating the pattern by providing a written response outlining specific steps to avoid similar complaints in the future. BBB also requested general information including copies of policies, the names and full contact information of the business’ principal officers and responsible management, copies of its promotional and advertising materials, the physical address of its principal office, and a completed BBB Standard Business Questionnaire.
As of Aug. 8, 2019, LocateFamily.com did not respond to its pattern of complaints or BBB’s requests for information.
BBB has concerns about LocateFamily.com’s business practices and urges consumers to use caution based on the business’ complaint activity and lack of responsiveness.