Electric Companies
New York State Electric & Gas Corp.Find BBB Accredited Businesses in Electric Companies.
Current Alerts For This Business
We find that a pattern of complaints exist concerning consumer billing concerns and lack of customer service.
The company provided a response, which gave a detailed explanation of the billing process and how consumers can call in meter readings each month to avoid estimated bills. The company responded to the lack of customer service with the following: "Our call centers are staffed to operate from 7 AM to 7 PM, Monday through Friday. We have a very detailed process in place for escalated calls. We also monitor our representatives regularly to ensure they are complying to this process. We will remind our employees of the importance of this however, if you have specific account information, I can certainly address individually."
BBB has noted a decline in the number of incoming complaints against this company since bringing the pattern of complaints to their attention. We will continue to monitor the company’s complaint at this time.