Current Alerts For This Business
There are 3 alerts for this business. See all alerts
Pattern of Complaints:
BBB has received a pattern of complaints concerning product issues and no refunds. Consumers report that they are receiving products that do not work, pay shipping to return products and are not refunded.
In April 2020, BBB contacted the business requesting information as to why the business believes the customers are filing the complaints, and what actions the business has taken to help eliminate the causes of complaints.
As of today's date, BBB has not received a response.
The business website was created on 11/17/2018 with an anonymous ownership.
The business is also using which was created on 10/16/2019.
The business is also using which was created on 9/4/2020.
Effective 02/02/2021, the business email has been returned undeliverable.
In April 2020, BBB contacted the business requesting information as to why the business believes the customers are filing the complaints, and what actions the business has taken to help eliminate the causes of complaints.
As of today's date, BBB has not received a response.
The business website was created on 11/17/2018 with an anonymous ownership.
The business is also using which was created on 10/16/2019.
The business is also using which was created on 9/4/2020.
Effective 02/02/2021, the business email has been returned undeliverable.