Moving Services
Mile High Desert Partners, LLCFind BBB Accredited Businesses in Moving Services.
Current Alerts For This Business
BBB files indicate that this business has a pattern complaints concerning advertising, billing and refund issues. Regarding advertising issues, consumers allege that the business’s advertising is misleading, there is confusion about the services provided by the business other than address change and that they are unaware that the business is separate from the USPS until after payment. Similarly, consumers claim that the price of services is unclear, they are unaware and do not consent to the $79.95 charge, and are dissatisfied with the price of services when the USPS offers the same services for $1.00 Lastly, consumers allege that the business fails to issue agreed upon refunds and fails to honor written money-back guarantees.
On September 13, 2019, BBB submitted a written request to the company encouraging them to address the pattern of complaints. As of June 24, 2020, BBB has had no response.