Garbage Removal
American Disposal ServicesFind BBB Accredited Businesses in Garbage Removal.
Current Alerts For This Business
BBB files indicate that this business has a pattern of complaints concerning service issues, customer service issues, billing/collections issues, and refund/exchange issues. Regarding service issues, consumers allege that the business fails to pick up all of their trash and recycling, and at times misses the scheduled pickup. Consumers also allege that the business does not provide an efficient line of communication as calls and emails are not answered. Similarly, consumers allege that the business does not honor their request to cancel services and continues to bill them for services not rendered, concluding in the consumer being sent to collections. Lastly, consumers allege the business fails to respond to their request for a refund for services they were charged for, but never received.
On August 29, 2019 BBB submitted a written request to the company encouraging them to address the pattern of complaints. As of June 24, 2020 BBB has had no response.