Used Car Dealers
Salit Auto Sales, Inc.Information and Alerts
Important Information
This business is BBB Accredited.
BBB has determined that Salit Auto Sales, Inc. meets BBB accreditation standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints. BBB Accredited Businesses pay a fee for accreditation review/monitoring and for support of BBB services to the public.
BBB accreditation does not mean that the business's products or services have been evaluated or endorsed by BBB, or that BBB has made a determination as to the business's product quality or competency in performing services.
Service Area
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- Adams County, PA
- Allegheny County, PA
- Armstrong County, PA
- Beaver County, PA
- Bedford County, PA
- Blair County, PA
- Bradford County, PA
- Brevard County, FL
- Broward County, FL
- Bucks County, PA
- Butler County, PA
- Cambria County, PA
- Cameron County, PA
- Carbon County, PA
- Centre County, PA
- Charlotte County, FL
- Clarion County, PA
- Clearfield County, PA
- Clinton County, PA
- Collier County, FL
- Columbia County, PA
- Crawford County, PA
- Cumberland County, PA
- Dauphin County, PA
- DeSoto County, FL
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- Erie County, PA
- Fayette County, PA
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- Franklin County, PA
- Fulton County, PA
- Glades County, FL
- Greene County, PA
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- Hendry County, FL
- Highlands County, FL
- Hillsborough County, FL
- Huntingdon County, PA
- Indian River County, FL
- Indiana County, PA
- Jefferson County, PA
- Juniata County, PA
- Lackawanna County, PA
- Lawrence County, PA
- Lee County, FL
- Lehigh County, PA
- Luzerne County, PA
- Lycoming County, PA
- Manatee County, FL
- Martin County, FL
- McKean County, PA
- Mercer County, PA
- Miami-Dade County, FL
- Middlesex County, NJ
- Mifflin County, PA
- Monroe County, FL
- Montour County, PA
- Northampton County, PA
- Northumberland County, PA
- Okeechobee County, FL
- Osceola County, FL
- Palm Beach County, FL
- Perry County, PA
- Pike County, PA
- Pinellas County, FL
- Polk County, FL
- Potter County, PA
- Saint Lucie County, FL
- Sarasota County, FL
- Schuylkill County, PA
- Snyder County, PA
- Somerset County, PA
- Sullivan County, PA
- Susquehanna County, PA
- Tioga County, PA
- Union County, PA
- Venango County, PA
- Warren County, PA
- Washington County, PA
- Wayne County, PA
- Westmoreland County, PA
- Wyoming County, PA
- York County, PA
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