Showing: 6,867 results for Auto Services
near Granite Falls, NC
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Fowler's Auto Service & Sales
Auto Services
Service Area
Serving the following areas:
- 27006
- 27007
- 27009
- 27010
- 27011
- 27012
- 27014
- 27016
- 27018
- 27019
- 27020
- 27021
- 27023
- 27025
- 27028
- 27040
- 27041
- 27042
- 27043
- 27045
635 Main St,
Hudson, NC 28638-2548
Bo's Import Service Center, LLC
Auto Repairs, Small Engine Repair, Auto Inspection Stations ...
3618 US Highway 70 SW,
Hickory, NC 28602-4525
Hendrick Automotive Group
Auto Services, Used Car Dealers, Auto Body Repair and Painting ...
BBB Rating: A+
This rating reflects BBB's opinion about the entire organization's interactions with its customers, including interactions with local locations.
View HQ Business ProfileService Area
Serving the following areas:
- Albemarle, NC
- Alexander Mills, NC
- Alexander, NC
- Alexis, NC
- Almond, NC
- Andrews, NC
- Ansonville, NC
- Aquone, NC
- Arden, NC
- Asheville, NC
- Badin Lake, NC
- Badin, NC
- Bakersville, NC
- Balsam Grove, NC
- Balsam, NC
- Banner Elk, NC
- Barnardsville, NC
- Bat Cave, NC
- Beech Mountain, NC
- Belmont, NC
1171A Lenoir Rhyne Blvd SE,
Hickory, NC 28602-5128
Hendrick Automotive Group
Auto Services, Used Car Dealers, Auto Body Repair and Painting ...
BBB Rating: A+
This rating reflects BBB's opinion about the entire organization's interactions with its customers, including interactions with local locations.
View HQ Business ProfileService Area
Serving the following areas:
- Albemarle, NC
- Alexander Mills, NC
- Alexander, NC
- Alexis, NC
- Almond, NC
- Andrews, NC
- Ansonville, NC
- Aquone, NC
- Arden, NC
- Asheville, NC
- Badin Lake, NC
- Badin, NC
- Bakersville, NC
- Balsam Grove, NC
- Balsam, NC
- Banner Elk, NC
- Barnardsville, NC
- Bat Cave, NC
- Beech Mountain, NC
- Belmont, NC
945 US Highway 70 SE,
Hickory, NC 28602-5139
Maxx's Auto Service & Repair, LLC
Auto Services, Auto Repairs, Auto Inspection Stations ...
619 N Aspen St,
Lincolnton, NC 28092-2107
Maxx's Auto Service & Repair, LLC
Auto Services, Auto Repairs, Auto Inspection Stations ...
2037 W Highway 150,
Lincolnton, NC 28092-9055
Northwest Automotive, LLC
Auto Repairs, Auto Inspection Stations, Auto Services ...
Service Area
Serving the following areas:
- 27006
- 27009
- 27010
- 27012
- 27016
- 27018
- 27019
- 27021
- 27022
- 27023
- 27025
- 27027
- 27040
- 27042
- 27043
- 27045
- 27046
- 27048
- 27050
- 27051
1518 W D St,
N Wilkesboro, NC 28659-3528
David Watson Automotive, Inc.
Auto Services, Used Car Dealers, Auto Body Repair and Painting
Service Area
Serving the following areas:
- 28604
- 28605
- 28606
- 28607
- 28608
- 28611
- 28615
- 28616
- 28617
- 28618
- 28622
- 28624
- 28626
- 28629
- 28630
- 28631
- 28633
- 28638
- 28640
- 28641
1169 Bamboo Rd,
Boone, NC 28607-8722
Alray Tire Center of Statesville, Inc.
Tire Dealers, Auto Services, Auto Maintenance ...
Service Area
Serving the following areas:
- 27006
- 27012
- 27013
- 27014
- 27023
- 27028
- 27054
- 27103
- 27127
- 27130
- 27157
- 27239
- 27292
- 27293
- 27294
- 27295
- 27299
- 27351
- 27360
- 27361
1333 W Front St,
Statesville, NC 28677-5054
421 Auto Service
Auto Services, Auto Repairs, Auto Inspection Stations ...
Service Area
Serving the following areas:
- 28604
- 28605
- 28606
- 28607
- 28608
- 28611
- 28615
- 28616
- 28617
- 28618
- 28622
- 28624
- 28626
- 28629
- 28630
- 28631
- 28633
- 28638
- 28640
- 28641
2250 Old 421 S,
Boone, NC 28607-6297
Voelske Foreign Car Service, Inc.
Auto Services, Towing Company, Auto Inspection Stations ...
2650 Davie Ave,
Statesville, NC 28625-8256
144 Williamson Rd,
Mooresville, NC 28117-6831
404 E King St,
Kings Mountain, NC 28086-3421
Two Fingers Automotive
Auto Repairs, Auto Inspection Stations, Auto Services ...
Service Area
Serving the following areas:
- Cornelius, NC
- Davidson, NC
- Mooresville, NC
- Mount Mourne, NC
- Mount Ulla, NC
- Terrell, NC
- Troutman, NC
465 S Broad St,
Mooresville, NC 28115-3208
167 Thunder Rd,
Mooresville, NC 28115-6000
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Accreditation and Ratings Overview
Select businesses earn BBB Accreditation by undergoing a thorough evaluation and upholding the BBB Accreditation Standards.
BBB assigns ratings from A+ (highest) to F (lowest). In some cases, BBB will not rate the business (indicated by an NR, or "No Rating") for reasons that include insufficient information about a business or ongoing review/update of the business's file.
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