Additional Information
Additional Information for Moncada Contractors, Inc.
This is a multi-location business.
- Location of This Business
- Cleveland, MS 38732-9613
- BBB File Opened:
- 12/4/2020
- Years in Business:
- 21
- Business Started:
- 1/21/2003
- Business Incorporated:
- 1/21/2003
- Accredited Since:
- 12/7/2020
- Licensing Information:
- This business is in an industry that may require professional licensing, bonding or registration. BBB encourages you to check with the appropriate agency to be certain any requirements are currently being met.BBB records show a license number of 21586-MC for this business, issued by Mississippi State Board of Contractors. The expiration date of this license is 3/4/2022.
These agencies may include:
Mississippi State Board of Contractors
P. O. Box 320279
Jackson MS 39232-0279
- Type of Entity:
- Corporation
- Business Management
- Mr. Jose C Moncada, Owner
- Contact Information
- Mr. Jose C Moncada, Owner
Customer Contact
- Mr. Jose C Moncada, Owner
- Additional Contact Information
Email Addresses
- Primary
- Serving Area
We service the following area(s): Aberdeen, AR, Albin, MS, Alligator, MS, Almyra, AR, Altheimer, AR, Alva, MS, Amistead, MS, Anguilla, MS, Arcola, MS, Arkansas City, AR, Arsenal, AR, Ashton, AR, Askew, MS, Aubrey, AR, Austin, MS, Avalon, MS, Avery, AR, Avon, MS, Back Gate, AR, Baird, MS, Baltzer, MS, Barr, MS, Barton, AR, Batesville, MS, Baugh, MS, Baxter, AR, Bayou Meto, AR, Bear Garden, MS, Beech Creek, AR, Beelake, MS, Belen, MS, Bellaire, AR, Bellewood, MS, Belzoni, MS, Benoit, MS, Benton, MS, Benwood, MS, Berclair, MS, Berea, AR, Berlin, AR, Beulah, MS, Big Creek, MS, Birdie, MS, Black Hawk, MS, Blackton, AR, Blue Lake, MS, Bobo, MS, Bolivar, MS, Boueff, AR, Bourbon, MS, Bovine, AR, Boydell, AR, Boyer, MS, Boyle, MS, Brazil, MS, Brickeys, AR, Brooks, MS, Brummitt, AR, Bryant, MS, Buxton, MS, Cadaretta, MS, Caile, MS, Carrollton, MS, Cary, MS, Cascilla, MS, Casscoe, AR, Cedar Hill, MS, Chanticleer, AR, Charleston, MS, Chatham, MS, Chickasaw, LA, Chicot, AR, Clarendon, AR, Clarksdale, MS, Clayton, MS, Cleveland, MS, Clove Hill, MS, Coahoma, MS, Coffeeville, MS, Coila, MS, Cole Spur, AR, Coleman, AR, Coles Creek, MS, Collins, AR, Colony Town, MS, Cominto, AR, Como, MS, Concord, LA, Cornerville, AR, Courtland, MS, Cowart, MS, Crenshaw, MS, Crigler, AR, Crockett, MS, Crocketts Bluff, AR, Crossroads, MS, Crowder, MS, Cruger, MS, Crumrod, AR, Dahomey, MS, Darling, MS, Darlove, MS, De Luce, AR, De Witt, AR, Deeson, MS, Delta City, MS, Delta State, MS, Dennis Landing, MS, Dermott, AR, Doddsville, MS, Drew, MS, Dubard, MS, Dubbs, MS, Dublin, MS, Duce, AR, Duck Hill, MS, Dumas, AR, Duncan, MS, Dundee, MS, Dunleith, MS, Durant, MS, Dwiggins, MS, Dwyer, MS, Eden, MS, Effie, MS, Elaine, AR, Elizabeth, MS, Elliott, MS, Empire, AR, Endoka, AR, Enid, MS, Erwin, MS, Eskridge, MS, Estill, MS, Ethel, AR, Eudora, AR, Eutaw, MS, Evansville, MS, Fairview, AR, Fairview, MS, Falcon, MS, Farelly Lake, AR, Farrell, MS, Fitler, MS, Fitzhugh, MS, Florence, AR, Foote, MS, Forest, LA, Fort Hill, AR, Fountain Hill, AR, Fountain Prairie, AR, Francis, MS, Friars Point, MS, Futheyville, MS, Gaines Landing, AR, Garrett Bridge, AR, Gatewood, MS, Geeslin Corner, MS, Gillett, AR, Glen Allan, MS, Glendale, AR, Glendora, MS, Goldfield, MS, Goodman, MS, Goodwill, LA, Gore Springs, MS, Gould, AR, Gourd, AR, Grace, MS, Grady, AR, Grand Lake, AR, Grapeland, MS, Green Hill, AR, Greenville, MS, Greenwood, MS, Grenada, MS, Griffith Spring, AR, Gulledge, AR, Gums, MS, Gunnison, MS, Halley Junction, AR, Halley, AR, Hamburg, AR, Hampton, MS, Hardin, AR, Hardy, MS, Harmontown, MS, Heads, MS, Heathman, MS, Helena, AR, Helm, MS, Hendrix, MS, Highlandale, MS, Hillhouse, MS, Hinchcliff, MS, Holcomb, MS, Hollandale, MS, Holly Bluff, MS, Holly Grove, AR, Holly Grove, MS, Holly Ridge, MS, Hollywood, MS, Humphrey, AR, Hushpuckena, MS, Indian, AR, Indianola, MS, Inverness, MS, Isola, MS, Itta Bena, MS, James, MS, Jefferson Square, AR, Jefferson, MS, Jeffries, MS, Jennie, AR, Jones, LA, Jonestown, MS, Kelso, AR, Kerin, MS, Kilbourne, LA, Kilmichael, MS, King and Anderson, MS, Kinlock, MS, Kurdo, AR, La Grange, AR, Lacey, AR, Ladelle, AR, Lake Village, AR, Lambert, MS, Lambrook, AR, Lamont, MS, Lawrenceville, AR, Leland, MS, Leverett, MS, Lexa, AR, Lexington, MS, Linn, MS, Linwood, AR, Little Texas, MS, Litton, MS, Lobdell, MS, Lodge Corner, AR, Lodi, MS, Lombardy, MS, Long, MS, Longshot, MS, Longtown, MS, Lookout Store, AR, Looxahoma, MS, Louise, MS, Lula, MS, Luna, AR, Lyon, MS, Macel, MS, Macon Lake, AR, Magenta, MS, Malvina, MS, Marianna, AR, Marie, MS, Marks, MS, Marvell, AR, Masonville, AR, Mattson, MS, Mayersville, MS, McArthur, AR, McCarley, MS, McCutcheon, MS, McGehee, AR, McMilan Corner, AR, Mellwood, AR, Merigold, MS, Meroney, AR, Metcalfe, MS, Midnight, MS, Mileston, MS, Milo, AR, Minter City, MS, Mist, AR, Mitchellville, AR, Money, MS, Monroe, AR, Monticello, AR, Montongo, AR, Montrose, AR, Moorhead, MS, Morgan City, MS, Moscow, AR, Mound Bayou, MS, Mound, MS, Mount Tabor, AR, Murdock Crossing, MS, Murphreesboro, MS, Murphy, MS, Nady, AR, Nason, MS, Nebo, AR, New Town, MS, Niles, MS, Nitta Yuma, MS, North Carrollton, MS, North Tunica, MS, Oak Grove, LA, Oakland, MS, Old Milo, AR, One Horse Store, AR, Oneida, AR, Onward, MS, Oxberry, MS, Pace, MS, Palmer, AR, Palmyra, AR, Panther Burn, MS, Panther Forest, AR, Parchman, MS, Parkdale, AR, Paul, MS, Paynes, MS, Pendleton, AR, Percy, MS, Perthshire, MS, Philipp, MS, Phillipstown, MS, Pickens, AR, Pickens, MS, Pine Bluff, AR, Pine Flat, MS, Pine Valley, MS, Pine, AR, Pleasant Grove, MS, Pollock, MS, Pope, MS, Poplar Creek, MS, Poplar Grove, AR, Poplar Springs, MS, Portland, AR, Possum Fork, AR, Possumneck, MS, Powell, MS, Preston Ferry, AR, Prichard, MS, Quito, MS, Raymond, AR, Readland, AR, Red Fork, AR, Red Leaf, AR, Reedville, AR, Refuge, MS, Relfs Bluff, AR, Rena Lara, MS, Renova, MS, Rexburg, MS, Reydell, AR, Rich, MS, Rising Sun, MS, Riverton, MS, Rochdale, MS, Rock Springs, AR, Roe, AR, Roebuck, MS, Rohwer, AR, Rolling Fork, MS, Rome, MS, Rosebloom, MS, Rosedale, MS, Roundaway, MS, Roundlake, MS, Rudyard, MS, Ruleville, MS, Sabino, MS, Saint Charles, AR, Saints Rest, MS, Sarah, MS, Sardis, MS, Savage, MS, Schlater, MS, Scobey, MS, Scott, MS, Selma, AR, Senatobia, MS, Shannon, AR, Sharkey, MS, Shaw, MS, Shelby, MS, Shellmound, MS, Sherard, MS, Shives, AR, Sibleton, MS, Sidon, MS, Silver City, MS, Skene, MS, Sledge, MS, Slovac, AR, Snow Lake, AR, Snyder, AR, Somerville, MS, Springdale, MS, Star City, AR, Steiner, MS, Stewart, MS, Stoneville, MS, Stovall, MS, Straight Bayou, MS, Strayhorn, MS, Stuttgart, AR, Sumner, MS, Sunflower, MS, Sunnycrest, MS, Sunnyside, MS, Swan Lake, MS, Sweatman, MS, Swiftown, MS, Swiftwater, MS, Symonds, MS, Tamo, AR, Tarry, AR, Taylor, MS, Tchula, MS, Teasdale, MS, Tennessee, AR, Terry, LA, Terza, MS, Thebes, AR, Thornton, MS, Thyatira, MS, Tibbs, MS, Tichnor, AR, Tie Plant, MS, Tillar, AR, Tillatoba, MS, Tinsley, MS, Tippo, MS, Trippe, AR, Tunica, MS, Turner, AR, Tutwiler, MS, Tyro, AR, Tyro, MS, Tyson, MS, Ulm, AR, Vaiden, MS, Valewood, MS, Valley Hill, MS, Vance, MS, Vaughan, MS, Velma, MS, Wabash, AR, Wabbaseka, AR, Waco, MS, Wade, MS, Water Valley, MS, Watson, AR, Waxhaw, MS, Wayside, MS, Webb, MS, West Helena, AR, West, MS, Whitehead, MS, Whitney, MS, Willet, MS, Wilmar, AR, Wilmot, AR, Winchester, AR, Winona, MS, Winstonville, MS, Winterville, MS, Woodburn, MS, Wright, MS, Wyatte, MS, Yancopin, AR, Yazoo City, MS, Yazoo, MS, Yorktown, AR, Youngs, MS, Yukon, AR, Zumbro, MS
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- Business Categories
- General Contractor, Roofing Contractors, Construction Services, Concrete Contractors, Painting Contractors, Siding Contractors, Drywall Contractors, Remodel Contractors, Metal Roofing Contractors, Remodeling, Custom Concrete, Sheet Metal Contractor, Foreclosed Property Remodeling, Metal Building Contractors
Accredited Since: 12/7/2020
Years in Business: 21
BBB Rating
BBB Business Profiles may not be reproduced for sales or promotional purposes.
BBB Business Profiles are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. BBB asks third parties who publish complaints, reviews and/or responses on this website to affirm that the information provided is accurate. However, BBB does not verify the accuracy of information provided by third parties, and does not guarantee the accuracy of any information in Business Profiles.
When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.
BBB Business Profiles generally cover a three-year reporting period. BBB Business Profiles are subject to change at any time. If you choose to do business with this business, please let the business know that you contacted BBB for a BBB Business Profile.
As a matter of policy, BBB does not endorse any product, service or business. Businesses are under no obligation to seek BBB accreditation, and some businesses are not accredited because they have not sought BBB accreditation.