Mind Over Matter Ministries, Inc.
Not Evaluated
Not Evaluated
Standards Legend
- Meets Standards
- Standards Not Met
- Did Not Disclose
- Review In Progress
- Unable to Verify
BBB Comment
An organization may change its practices at any time without notice. A copy of this report has been shared with the organization prior to publication. It is not intended to recommend or deprecate, and is furnished solely to assist you in exercising your own judgment. If the report is about a charity and states the charity meets or does not meet the Standards for Charity Accountability, it reflects the results of an evaluation of information and materials provided voluntarily by the charity. The name Better Business Bureau ® is a registered service mark of International Association of Better Business Bureaus.
This report is not to be used for fundraising or promotional purposes.
This organization has not been evaluated in relation to the BBB Standards for Charity Accountability.
BBB develops reports on charities that actively solicit for general public support. Based on public interest, including requests for information and search traffic on our website, BBB invites organizations to participate in an evaluation in relation to the 20 BBB Charity Standards.
This organization is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It is eligible to receive contributions deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes.
Mind Over Matter Ministries, Inc.The purpose of Mind Over Matter Ministries, Inc. is to glorify God by disciplining men and women also, youth and children through creating an environment for worship, instruction, fellowship and equipping for kingdom reigning using expressions of the bible as standard truth. Mind Over Matter Ministries, Inc. Will educate and birth forth the ministries of the Apostles, Prophet Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers as well as other ministries Mind Over Matter will birth forth the fruit of the Spirit that lies within and cultivate the gift of the Spirit in the Spirit of excellence.At this time the organization has not been evaluated in relation to the 20 voluntary BBB of Northern Indiana standards for charitable accountability. BBB of Northern Indiana does not typically evaluate charities with total gross revenue less than $25,000 in a fiscal year against the standards.