BBB Serving Northwest and West Central Ohio and Southeast Michigan
Northwest and West Central Ohio and Southeast Michigan
About Us
BBB is dedicated to ethical business practices. Our office covers 24 counties of Northwest and West Central Ohio to Southeast Michigan, and serves 1.5 million consumers and businesses from offices in Toledo and Lima, Ohio. BBB is famous for taking consumer complaints and giving more than one million reports on businesses to the public each year. But we do much more; BBB investigates false advertising, reviews local and national charities, mediates and arbitrates disputes, handles "lemon law" cases, monitors social media, does scores of TV, radio and newspaper alerts and warnings, and provides speakers to high school, college, consumer and senior groups. "In Pursuit of Ethics" program provides ethics instruction, frequently including continuing education credit, to insurance, accounting and other professional organizations. BBB conducts aggressive investigations of dishonest business conduct, sharing our information with state and federal law enforcement agencies. Businesses which meet our ethical Standards may be invited to become accredited, and these firms provide the financial support which allows us to offer our services to all of our communities at no charge. For over 100 years, BBB has insisted that businesses treat their customers ethically and market honestly.
BBB Serving Northwest and West Central Ohio and Southeast Michigan Locations
Toledo, OH 43617
ph: | (419) 531-3116 800-743-4222 In Our Service Area |
fax: |
Lima, OH 45801
ph: | |
fax: |
Programs and Services
Apply for Accreditation
BBB Accreditation signifies trust and integrity, and an unwavering commitment to consumers. Join our community of trusted businesses today.
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Do you already have a BBB Business Profile? Ensure BBB has up-to-date information about your business on file to share with potential customers.
Customer Reviews
BBB customer reviews allow customers to post positive, negative or neutral reviews about marketplace experiences with businesses, brands and charities.
Latest News
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File a complaint
Are you in need of some assistance with managing a dispute with a local business? BBB is here to help businesses and their customers come to a reasonable resolution.
Report a Scam
Spot a business or offer that sounds like a scam? Tell us about it. Help us investigate and warn others by reporting what you know.
Torch Award for Ethics
Better Business Bureau's Torch Awards for Ethics celebrate and recognize local companies that demonstrate integrity and a strong commitment to ethics in all that they do.